Category: Workers’ Comp

Maximizing Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Connecticut

Posted on 04/11/23

When you can’t earn a living due to a work-related injury, you might wonder how to maximize workers’ comp in Connecticut. Work-related injuries can be serious and might have long-term effects on your ability to perform the same tasks you once could. Learn more about workers’ compensation benefits and getting coverage for your medical expenses

What to Do if I Have Been Injured on the Job in Connecticut?

Posted on 03/27/23

A work-related injury or illness can be overwhelming to deal with and recover from. What happens now? Who should know about your accident? Are you entitled to compensation, and what benefits can you expect? Taking the right steps immediately after a Connecticut job injury can improve your chances of settling your workers’ compensation claim quickly

Disputing a Denied Workers’ Comp Claim in Connecticut

Posted on 03/20/23

If you contracted an illness or sustained an injury on the job in Connecticut, you probably trust your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance to cover your medical bills and lost wages. Running into an unexpected claim denial may feel like a shock, but there are steps you can take to protect your rights. Learn how to