Gov. Lamont Helps Connecticut Lead Nation in Vaccine Rollout

Posted on 01/08/21

Connecticut has nearly administered two-thirds of its vaccine supply, leading the nation in the percentage of its population vaccinated against the novel coronavirus pandemic. Unlike neighboring states, Connecticut has found success in its vaccine rollout. This is partially due to a broad definition of a healthcare worker in the state and a coordinated distribution in the number of vaccines each facility receives. Connecticut doesn’t have a rigid definition of a healthcare worker, thus allowing more people to qualify to be vaccinated. A broad definition that even incorporates nursing students and first responders in Connecticut is not present in the state designated-order in neighboring New York leading to vaccine rollout slowdowns.

Our neighbors in New York state have abided by a rigid definition and still have nearly 70% of its vaccine supply that was provided by the Federal government, leading to a slow rollout by Governor Cuomo. This is also in part due to nearly one-third of healthcare workers refusing to take the vaccine. Conflicting views from New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio and the Governor on who should be taking the first phase of the vaccine have been debated daily. Unused vaccines are not helping the millions of Americans who are prepared to take the initial dose. Governor Ned Lamont has established an effective vaccine rollout system that would allow any unused vaccines to be transferred and disbursed to any location in need of additional doses, keeping vaccines moving.

Governor Ned Lamont had also announced that by the end of the week all nursing home residents and caretakers who wanted the first dose will be vaccinated. Vaccine rollout although aided by the Federal government in terms of providing the vaccine is fully coordinated on the State level. With varying state initiatives and terms on who qualifies for the initial wave of vaccines, some states have been ineffective in distributing vaccines. Unlike New York leadership, Govenomt Ned Lamont has limited the number of rules on who is eligible to be vaccinated.

Some severe financial consequences for providers that vaccinate anyone out of the New York state-designated order may face over a million-dollar fine. This comes with an additional $100,000 fine for unused vaccines within seven days of receipt. A double-edged knife that leaves providers and hospitals in a tough spot. Governor Ned Lamont has led with constructive leadership in vaccine rollout, and we applaud him for this. The goal remains to vaccinate as many people as possible while abiding by state orders. Our hope is that a more effective plan is set in all states to ensure we reach our vaccination goals.

Connecticut leadership throughout the novel coronavirus pandemic has been exceptional. Governor Ned Lamont has demonstrated his ability to protect Connecticut residents during a public health crisis and his administration has implemented a successful vaccine rollout plan. Our office is grateful for our local community members and healthcare workers who’ve already been vaccinated and our only hope is for those who are eligible to get vaccinated, are.
