How to Avoid Slip-and-Fall Accidents this Winter

Posted on 01/07/20


It’s that time of the year when a simple walk to your car can be a tricky undertaking. Since Connecticut receives a large amount of snow and ice each year, weather conditions can be increasingly dangerous. It’s important to know what measures to take when stepping outside to ensure safety and avoid serious risks to your health and body.

While most slip-and-fall accidents result in minor injuries, it is unwise not to take the dangers seriously. Even when walking surfaces are cleared, you are still likely to encounter unsafe and slippery sidewalks. Practicing safe behavior in the winter weather can potentially save you from more severe injuries, such as head concussions or broken bones.

Here are some simple tips to keep you accident-free this winter season:

  • Wear proper footwear: Wearing boots or shoes with a solid grip will stabilize your balance, making it easier to walk on wet and icy surfaces.
  • Be aware of your environment: Examine your area and surroundings to avoid hazards that could easily make you fall. Even when indoors, carefully watch where you step as wet shoes can leave tracks of water and slush, making floors extra slippery.
  • Understand the walking surface: Try to use routes that are frequently maintained and have snow-removal. If you can, try to carry sand, salt, or grit to sprinkle on the pavement you’ll be walking on to better grip the ground.
  • Avoid hazardous conditions: If there is a blizzard or storm outside, try to stay indoors as much as possible and avoid running non-critical errands.
  • Use supporting objects:Hold onto handrails, doors, cars, and other secure objects to brace yourself when walking onto snowy surfaces.
  • Take your time: Even if you’re in a rush, never run across icy or snow-filled surfaces. Try and take slow, small steps while paying close attention to your footwork. If you know you’ll be going out into slippery conditions, prepare ahead and give yourself more time to travel.

Schedule a Consultation with Our Legal Team

If a slip-and-fall accident occurs, it can lead to permanent and serious injuries. While it is your responsibility to beware of the risks winter weather imposes, each situation is different and circumstances may change the outcome of any case. If you have been injured due to no fault of your own, consult with our attorney today.

Get in touch with a lawyer at our firm today! Call (203) 806-7922 or request a case consultation online.