When Can You Sue Someone After a Connecticut Car Accident?

Posted on 07/29/15

Just Because You’re in an Accident Doesn’t Mean There’s Someone to Sue

None of us want to sue someone to be compensated for our injuries after a car accident. We don’t want to be seen as an opportunist who is just trying to make a quick buck. However, the real reason most people take legal action after a car accident is to ensure they have the support that they need.

Injuries lead to hefty medical bills that can be difficult to pay off, especially if your injury prevents you from working. In addition to the property damage and decrease to the quality of life, car accidents can be extremely costly. If the accident was caused by someone else, it’s not fair for you to have to suffer such costs.

The Decision To File a Lawsuit

Just because you were injured in a Connecticut car accident, doesn’t mean you automatically receive compensation for your injuries. You need to prove that the other person was careless and that it was the cause of the accident. If you can’t prove it was the other driver’s fault, you will not win the case.

If you are not sure if a lawsuit is needed, you need to talk with a Connecticut personal injury attorney. A lawyer will provide guidance on the best route to take to receive compensation. Most cases are settled outside of court, so you are most likely not going to be involved in a long trial.

Learn The Basics

You probably have many questions following your accident, we’re here to help. That is why we offer the book, Five Ways You Can Wreck Your Auto Accident Case, for free to Connecticut residents. You need to read this book before talking with any lawyer or insurance adjuster.